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Minnesota is officially home to 17 Fortune 500 companies.

We assist you to strengthen the communication with the US government and business communities.


Chinese American Business Chamber of Commerce, MN

We are committed to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between Chinese businessmen in Minnesota.

We are open to all Chinese entrepreneurs.
We are open to all Chinese entrepreneurs.
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Minnesota is one of the best places to start and develop business in America.

Choosing Minnesota means to choose the best business, and living opportunities.

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明州华人商会致力于加强明州华商之间的交流与合作, 加强与其他州商会的沟通、交流与协作。加强与美国政府和商界的沟通、加强与中国政府、商会、企业的联系, 加强会员之间的合作与交流, 为明州华人提供一个 展示各地华人企业的平台, 打开一扇发扬中华精彩文化的大门, 提供一个融会贯通的信息交流中心。





明州华人商会致力于加强明州华商之间的交流与合作, 加强与其他州商会的沟通、交流与协作。

Group of Multiethnic Diverse Mixed Occupation People


会员可以享受本会提供的各项服务, 参加本会的各项活动, 享有选举权和被选举权

slide for member



在明尼苏达州经营的大部分公司业务都无需特殊许可或限制。 但有些行业需要一份或多份商业,职业或环境许可证或许可。


提供酒精类饮料的任何场所、都需要办理许可证或许可。 首先要知道你需要办理哪一类酒精经营许可或许可证:


餐饮行业需要一个或几个经营许可正。申请以前、首先打电话了解你需要哪些许可或许可证。 我们电话: (612) 673-3000).


需要装修或更改任何结构性施工前、都需要申请施工许可证。 你也许需要一个或几个许可证。



Minnesota is officially home to 17 Fortune 500 companies.
We assist you to strengthen the communication with the US government and business communities.
Chinese American Business Chamber of Commerce, MN
We are committed to strengthening exchanges and cooperation between Chinese businessmen in Minnesota.
Minnesota is one of the best places to start and develop business in America.
Choosing Minnesota means to choose the best business, and living opportunities.
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2024 March E-Magazine

Asian American Business Resilience Network and Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – MN brought you our Monthly E-Magazine. Check it out with our latest news and upcoming events!


Keefer Court – Michael Bui, Michael’s journey from immigrant to entrepreneur is a testament to the power of education, passion, and perseverance. He and his whole family relocated to the United States from Vietnam when he was in 5th grade, and he has been living in Minnesota ever since…


About Us

The Chinese American Chamber of Commerce – Minnesota (CACC-MN) is a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization organized for exclusively charitable and educational purposes in the Minneapolis/St. Paul Metropolitan area in MN. Through CACC-MN, our MISSION is to enhance the economic development for members from disadvantaged backgrounds (especially for the Limited English Proficiency – LEP members) through education and networking, while promoting community engagement and social responsibility with outstanding educational programs and services. 

Our Program Activities That Support the Communities

As an advocate for regional development, the CACC-MN is dedicated to supporting and encouraging the continued growth of area economies. CACC-MN works with Federal, State, and Local agencies to assist procurement and business access for all business communities, with special support to Limited English Proficiency (LEP) members. CACC-MN provides information on legislative matters affecting small and minority businesses in the region. CACC-MN will also serve as the liaison to corporations to access Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Businesses locally and the Asia market globally.

As an educator, CACC-MN continues promoting small business entrepreneurship to enhance our participation in the economic growth in this region through technical and educational services for startup and business growth. We offer:

  • A Get-Together Co-working Place;
  • Monthly Educational Events with translation services provided;
  • Business Development Seminars – Addressing timely policy topics; and
  • Networking Events

Through supporting delegations to/from China, India, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan to learn of innovative industries and exportable technologies.

Through a number of marketing and promotional opportunities for our members, such as monthly e-Newsletters that features articles and event postings from its members and partners. Those impressions are also leveraged into CACC-MN’s Facebook channel.

CACC-MN is proud of its partnership with local academic institutions and social/arts agencies. CACC-MN partners with community organizations and nonprofits such as: Asian Media Access, Chinese Community Center, Pan Asian Arts Alliance, Wat Thai Temple and many more to support cross-cultural programs and initiatives.

Connect With Us

If you are a small business owner considering applying for a business loan, looking for grant opportunities, or interested in certificates for government contracting, we can help you through every step of the process to ensure that you are getting access to the best resources available. Best of all, our services are supported by the SBA and provided to you free of charge. You could also follow our Social Media Platform to learn about our upcoming business events and grant opportunities!